In my years of studying the system, and talking to thousands of people who were making the decision to file for Social Security, I've come to realize that it usually comes down to considering just a few unique factors.
I'll carefully walk through each one of these factors so you can decide for yourself if they apply to you.
The "delay filing for benefits as long as possible" rule of thumb needs to be trashed. The truth is, the optimal filing date is linked to your other assets & income and your retirement spending goals.
There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all filing strategy.
There are no second chances or "do overs" once you file for benefits. Get it right the first time, or be stuck with a bad decision for life.
We'll give you the answers you need to prevent unknowingly making a bad (and potentially irrevocable) decision.
If we haven't met yet...I'm Devin. I'm a full time financial planner who's passionate about simplifying Social Security.
As a result of the more than one million people per month that consume the articles and videos I create, I get's LOTS of questions.
The one I'm asked most often?
"What's the right age to file for Social Security?"
I know that making a decision about when to file for Social Security can seem difficult at first, but you really have no other MUST spend some time in careful thought and analysis BEFORE you file for benefits.
I can show you how to simplify this decision with a clear cut process so you'll be confident you're making the right choice.
When we finish, you'll be much more confident that you can make the right filing decision.
See you in the workshop!